Upcoming Toys 2013/2014

Upcoming Toys for my collection (2014)

1) 1/6 Scale T800 Damaged Edition from Hotttoys - Collected
2) 1/6 Scale Celtic Predator from Hottoys - Collected

3) 1/6 Elder Predator from Hottoys- Collected
4) 1/6 Robocop from Hottoys
- Collected
5) 1/6 Robocop ED209 from Hottoys - Collected
6) Mecha Nation Transformers from Kids Logic -

Upcoming Toys for my collection (2015)
1) Terminator Genisys

Friday, December 24, 2010

聂风 (风云)

I bought 聶風 figurine in 2004 from one Toy Shop in Roxy Square but had already closed down many years ago..The figurine was imported from HK and quite difficult to be found in singapore ( same as 步驚雲). The only 天下 Shop is located in Park Mall but was always closed. I wondered is the shop still there.
I loved this figurine is because 聶風 is well known for his 轻功 in 風雲 and was named as 風中之神.

Can see he is tip toeing on the water, not only showing off his 轻功 and also displaying his mind is now as peaceful as the surface of water - 心如止水。

His feet is connected to the "water" base with just 2 piece of small little metal rod.

步惊云 (风云)

I took half day leave today and ended up spending 2 hours taking photos of 步惊云 and Ailen. I loved the 步惊云 top view shot which is the most difficult of all. The red background is actually my carpet which i bought from Ikea. haha... Oh not forgetting the black background?? It is actually a $1 vanguard sheet which i bought from Popular. Ok.. and thanks to my Canon 500D.. each shot is taken with very low shutter speed and need to be taken during day time. Hope you all like my toys and photos.

步惊云 (风云)Out Now for view!

生 於杭州步家村,生性沉默,其父步淵亭為一鑄劍師,逝於外地。其母「玉濃」帶其改嫁至霍家,「霍步天」為其改名為「霍驚覺」,視如己出,將霍家劍法傾囊相 授。之後因「霍步天」拒絕「雄霸」的招攬,被滅門。「驚覺」欲為「霍步天」報仇,卻年幼不敵。幸無名師徒路過,得以保命。
霍驚覺被救至無名居,認 識了「無名」、「劍晨」。夜裡見到無名相授劍晨劍法,從中學得一式“悲痛莫名”,更以霍家劍法向「劍晨」挑釁,結果被「劍晨」輕易連破。情急間使出“悲痛 莫名”擊敗「劍晨」。「無名」欣賞其資質,但亦覺得其戾氣過重。「霍驚覺」覺察「無名」之意,趁夜出走,恢復本名「步驚雲」,加入天下會伺機報仇。卻於會 內受「雄霸」賞識,納為第二弟子,授以“排雲掌”。後為「雄霸」奪取火麟劍、雪飲刀,正遇凌雲窟異變,見到火麒麟。雖得以生還,卻留下心理陰影。

步惊云 a legendary main character inside HK comic book 天下。The first compliation of 天下 which was renamed as 风云 was out in 1989. Click here to check out the story of 风云 and the characters
I bought this 步惊云figurine from one of the comic shop in vivo in 2005. The material is like pocelain and quite detailed in the expression and the colouring is great. The 麒鱗臂 tattoo on this left arm is quite nice. Hope you all like it...

「麒麟臂」:一條連手掌的整條左手臂,移植自1位樵夫「楚楚之父- 于嶽」, 「于嶽」曾與異獸「火麒麟」搏鬥,刺中其一塊未被鱗覆蓋的皮肉而左臂被麒麟血濺中並重傷,本想此臂定廢,沒想到卻發現它蘊含著非凡的力量。後於「于嶽」將它贈了給步驚雲

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

HotToys - Berserker Predator

1/6th scale Berserker Predator (click) Collectible Figure from Hot Toys(click)

After watching the Predators 2010.. i like the new design of this predator in the show named as Berserker Predator. In the showm they have a scene whereby the Berserket Predator has a one on one showdown with the normal predator. BP managed to defeat its opponent and beheaded it!

The 12"inch Predator from Hot Toys HK comes with interchangeable wrists, laser canon, 3 different length of blades, and come with a led scanning device on the attachable mask. Enjoy! love the digusting extra jaws that predator expand out...

Nice Packaging from Hot Toys

Back View of box

1/6 Scale of Berserker Predator - very detailed and all joints are rotatable

Berserker Predator's red colored hair - made of rubber

LED light from predator mask - immidating the scanning effect on their preys in the movie

Accompany with Long blade, laser canon and the human skull with spines which was pulled out from the Yazuka guy in the movie "Predators 2010".

Beautiful and detailed face of the Berserker Predator