Upcoming Toys 2013/2014

Upcoming Toys for my collection (2014)

1) 1/6 Scale T800 Damaged Edition from Hotttoys - Collected
2) 1/6 Scale Celtic Predator from Hottoys - Collected

3) 1/6 Elder Predator from Hottoys- Collected
4) 1/6 Robocop from Hottoys
- Collected
5) 1/6 Robocop ED209 from Hottoys - Collected
6) Mecha Nation Transformers from Kids Logic -

Upcoming Toys for my collection (2015)
1) Terminator Genisys

Sunday, March 22, 2015

For the past 2 year, my interest has grown on these cute little toys and my collection for these toys are estimated to be around 60-70 of them and still growing.
These makers behind these cute little toys, originated from US and called them as Funko Pop. The company has produced mass number of Funko Pops since 2011, with characters from all round like US Movies, hot drama series and even Japanese Anime/Mange. They are so cute and adorable that it just took 2-3 years to become so popular in countries like Singapore, Philippines and Thailand.

STGCC 2014 Hottoys Exclusive - Elder Predator

Elder Predator was bought from STGCC  2014 Hottoys Exclusive products. I have no doubt it was one of the most satisfying collectibles among my other predator collections. Elder Predator was first seen in Predator 2 movie and was supposed to be one of the most skilful hunter. Love this piece !


ED209 from Robocop (1987). I finally get to own this great piece of product from Hottoys. Its first appearance in Robocop 1987 as a first, a bipedal combat droid codenamed ED-209, is rejected after it kills an armed executive by mistake.  It has been so well liked by Robocop fans like me cos of it design and originality. ED209 was one of my biggest and most expensive collection I have so far.  No regret..!